Upgrading to AnyFileBackup 5

AnyFileBackup 4 has been discontinued and no longer available for download and purchase. It will be supported until the end of a subscription to updates licence of a particular user.

The AnyFileBackup 4 users with the active subscription to updates licence (provided to all new customers or can be purchased separately) are eligible to receive one (1) licence for AnyFileBackup 5 for free.

To request your one (1) free licence for AnyFileBackup 5, you shall fulfil the folioing conditions:

  1. Contact us from the mailbox that was used to purchase your AnyFileBackup 4 licence; and
  2. State your full name that was used to to purchase your AnyFileBackup 4 licence.
If you have any questions, please contact us by the most convenient method available at our contact page.